Directions: Located near the Montana Idaho border is located about 24 miles south of Darby, MT.
Features:: This is a full service resort offering a large 20 foot by 70 foot outdoor pool, indoor hot tub, and dry sauna. In the winter months the outdoor pool is covered with a temporary roof. The resort offers cabins, motel and RV park spaces for rent. There is a restaurant featuring wood-fired pizza on the weekends as well.
History: Development began at Gallogly (named for the early owners) springs in 1892, a hotel was constructed several years later. By 1935 a highway was constructed making travel to the springs easier. During the several years that followed the pool, dining room, and changing rooms that exist today were built. Unfortunately, ownership changed soon after and the springs were closed to the public until the 1970's.
Temperature:: The Lost Trail sources water from the nearby Gallogly Spring, which is 107 degrees at it's source. The water temperatures are cooled to comfortable temperatures based on the season.
Overall:: This seems like an relaxing place, and a great place to stay or stop after skiing at the nearby Lost Trail Powder Mountain or Chief Joseph Cross Country Trails. This resort is family friendly and the pool includes a wading area for children.
More Info: Visit Lost Trail Hot Springs web site Note: This summary was created with the help from Lost Trail Hot Springs to allow us to use their photos information from their website. Thank you!
Lost Trail Hot Springs
Photos provided by Lost Trail Hot Springs Facebook Page